Interlocking is the space for elderly and youth generations to rest and spend time together. The 2 curves represent a relationship of 2 generations which strengthen by interlocking in the sea waves pattern. The big wave represent wisdom, more experience and enlightened, it can receive more lights from both sides and above through uneven layers of materials. The small wave represents adventure, exploring and mysterious, the smaller and darker space created with less light receptors from above. Visitors can enjoy the unique ceiling pattern, rest on the seat, or escape reality for a while in the interlocking sea waves.

Okvik, Native Alaskan, 100 B.C. - 200 A.D.
Sea lion toggle was created from the big walrus’ ivory, carved into sea lion shaped to be used as the hunting kit attach to the harpoon preventing the spear to exit the animal’s body after they got pierced. The tool has dullness and curvy design with different layers of thickness throughout the sea lion’s body.

The organic-waves pattern ceiling was inspired by the curvy and dullness of the sea lion body. The ceiling of the structure can be achieved by materials with transparency such as stone, glass, or thick plastic. By increasing the thickness of the materials, the ceiling filtered more lights therefore less light enters the space, creating a unique pattern and shadow.
The form of the structure represents the function of the toggle, a barb, preventing the spear from easily returning. Interlocking both generations as they spend good time together in the different space created from intersecting 2 planes

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